Peace be still
Peace be still

Thy Will is done in me this day
Peace be still, Peace be still

Thy Will is done in me this day
Peace be still, Peace be still

Peace be still, and let your life be mine
Peace be still, stop wasting time
Peace be still, trust I am in you
Peace be still, to one I am the Truth [ Thy Will ... ]

Peace be still, and know that I am God
Peace be still, wait for my nod
Peace be still, my child right now you’re free
Peace be still, be glad there’s only me [ Thy Will ... ]

Peace be still, it’s time for us to merge
Peace be still, to follow that inner urge
Peace be still, give the rest to me
Peace be still, for you will finally see [ Thy Will ... ]

Peace be still I am letting go (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I’m surrendering (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I am emptying (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I am listening (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I am trusting (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I’m obeying (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I am being blessed (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I am pouring forth (3x) Om Peace Om
Peace be still I am fulfilled (3x) Om Peace Om

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