According to your faith
According to your faith, my friend, it is done unto you
According to your faith you’ll find the things you hold are true
For it’s Faith that is the fuel that brings that thing into your life
So change your mind and use that faith to bring peace instead of strife

According to your faith, my friend, is how your life will be
You have the choice to make this life anyway you see
For life is not just happening but comes forth from belief
So know the Truth and live it now and put an end to a life of grief

For it is in putting faith in things not seen is how things come to be
For it is in placing trust in anything sends it forth and sets it free
So be wise and pure as the little ones who embrace God’s love alone
Then you will know the Truth of abundant life It’s within you you’ll find your Home

According to your faith, my friend, will be a heaven or a hell
At all times we’re planting seeds of which the fruit will surely tell
If we are sowing seeds of falsity or the Christ where all is well
The Truth of God can be your life..the Truth of God will be your life
The Truth of God it is your’s in Him we forever dwell

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