My Light Never Dims
My Light Never Dims (8x)

My Love is ever flowing
My Love in your heart is constantly growing
My Love is always showing
That My Light can never dim

My Peace is ever lasting
My Peace passeth all human understanding
My Peace is steadfasting
My Light never dims

My Life is Eternally One
My Life is more brilliant than ten billion suns
My Life is My Will and It’s being done
My Light never dims

My Bliss is the Essence called Me
My Bliss is the Substance of the Living Tree
My Bliss is completely and totally free
My Light never dims

I Am as the purest of gold
Have no beginning..can never grow old
Forever Am perfect, complete and whole
My Light never dims

Belief in appearance has caused you to fall
There’s Only One Presence..won’t you hear My Call
My Light never dims

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