Let My Life Be Your Message
Let my life be Your Message
Let my every moment be
A constant reminder that You are living as me
Let every second that I breathe
Be a respite ... yes, a final reprieve
From a life that’s live not for You, but for me

Let my life be Your Message
Let every day I wake
Be an offering to You, O Lord
That You’re the Path I will take

For steppin’ steps without You there
Is a big mistake ... it’s in total error
To live a life not for You but for me

I keep seemin’ to learn over and over
That bein’ the Doer makes the trip so much slower
That given’ it all up leaves room for You
Well, I’m livin’ much better now that I’ve been listenin’
To a Voice inside that’ been gently whisperin’
Be Stil l … so I can come through

Let my life be Your Message
As the Grace of God flows free
Let everything that stands in The Way
Be purified in me
Let this life be a life that’s lived
From the Center of Me that can only give
A life that’s lived by You and not by me
Let every thought that I think
Be a promise to You that I’ll bring
An empty space for You to fill with Love
With Peace and Light as my sufficiency
I turn to You ...You’re all I need
To Live a life not for me but for You

I keep seemin’ to learn over and over
That bein’ the Doer makes the trip so much slower
That given’ it all up leaves room for You
Well, I’m livin’ much better now that I’ve been listenin’
To a Voice inside that’s been gently whisperin’
Be Still … so I can come through

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