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Sri Sathya Sai Speaks
- Sri Sathya Sai International Organization
Devotional Songs
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Lord, You are here again - do I remember when?
Did my footsteps follow Yours, was my lamp held high?
Did You hear my cry of love? Krishna, Krishna, Krishna....
Hold my heart in Yours, as once You did,
Free my soul to soar, in the light of the Lord, beloved Sathya Sai Avatar.
Lord, You are here again - was I the Gopi then?
Did tears fall from my eyes, as I heard Your flute divine?
Did You hear my cry of love? Krishna, Krishna, Krishna....
Bending to Your glance, I weep in ecstacy,
My heart rings out, as I drink Your cup once more,
Beloved Sathya Sai Avatar (2x)
Beloved Baba, hear my wish, which I address to Thee,
To fill me up so full of You, there's no room left for me.
Beloved Baba, take my life, and shape it as You will,
And then please give it to me, Your wishes to fulfill.
Beloved Baba, give me strength, and take away all fear,
As You have proved that You can do, throughout this blessed year.
Beloved Baba, take my heart, and make of it Your home,
And You will be installed in it, wherever I may roam.
You are the only one, You are in everyone,
You are the guiding star, clearly seen wherever we are.
You are the heart's delight, You are the inner light,
You are the charioteer, You are the near and the dear.
But we so oft forget, we have not learned as yet,
To place our trust in You, and let You carry us through.
Be it good or bad, whether we're feeling happy or sad,
You are not far away, but with us every day.
Praise to our highest Self, which is our only wealth,
We feel You're perfect love, flowing to us from above.
Om, Lord, Sri Sathya Sai,
Flower of wisdom's delight,
Free me from peril and fear,
Let my desires melt at Your feet.
What say You, oh Lord?
Can it be the time to seek,
The truth and blessings You endow?
The soul is yearning to fly (2x)
Into Your Divine heart,
Om, Lord, Sri Sathya Sai.
The Heart's Melody
On the strings of my heart, Lord,
Play Your melody of love,
May I dance to Your music, oh Lord?
With each step I'Il bow to Your grace,
Ever circling in radiant light,
Divinity holds me in God's sweet embrace.
As in gentle silence, You smile,
You show me the bliss of divine Mother Sai, Father Sai.
Song to the Lord
Sing to His divine perfection, to beloved Lord Sri Sathya Sai.
A glorious song of His protection, we'll bow to Sri Sathya Sai.
It is a joyous song I hear,
Sing it, O nightingale,
Your golden voice is near,
Yet far as the deepest vale.
Your chant is of His blissful grace,
As His precious footsteps fall,
He leads with a quiet pace,
As we hear His beloved call
Lord Sai is everywhere. (3x)
Flame Song
Oh Lord, make the whole of my life,
As pure as the flame before me.
Let it consume itself in the fire,
Scattering light and the warmth of love to all around me.
At the end of it all let there be nothing left, (2x)
To keep me from merging in You.
Remover of obstacles
God of wisdom, Creator of the universe,
Remove the obstacles from our path, oh Lord.
Lead us to the temple of divine truth,
That in surrender we find our freedom.
Lord Sathya Sai, merciful protector,
You are the God of the great and the small.
With the lamp of love You light the way,
You reveal the secret of Your blessed divinity,
Lord Sathya Sai, merciful protector.
Baba's Message
I love you all every single one, for deep within I see,
beneath the ego layers, your own divinity.
No one of you is more special, or more lovable to Me,
For each of you possesses, your own divinity.
So don't compete with others, to seek security,
When My love you have already, from your own divinity.
Direct My love to others, who are blind and cannot see.
The love they seek so desparately, is their own divinity.
For as you seek in everyone, the counterpart of Me,
You'll start to open up your hearts, to the one divinity.
Oh Lord, set us free, raise us up to be with Thee
Fill our hearts with love divine, grant us joy and peace like Thine
Lead us, guide us every day, let us tread Your blissful way
Oh Lord, we ask Your grace, remove the obstacles we face
Show us the path straight to Thee, that always with You we will be
Hold our lives in Your kind hand, lead us to Your blissful land