Receive Me
Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

I Am closer than your breath…I Am Eternal Life..never death
I live within you..I have not left

Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

Surrender to Me..I Am your all
Surrender to Me..I won’t let you fall
Surrender to Me..use My Name to call

Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

Let Me help you to climb the stairs
I Am the Only One that truly cares
I come to you for My Life to share

Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

Let Me be The One who is strong
Drop all those concepts of right and wrong
Turn to Me and sing My Song…of Love/of Love

Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

I Am giving MySelf to you through everyone
I Am the One Light..My Will Is Done
I Am in the midst of you and havin’ fun

Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

It pleases Me when you do not fear
When you know that My Love is ever near
As you trust in Me…My Voice you hear

Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

Empty your heart of everything
Be willing to live for Me and simply sing
Let your life Be Mine that I might bring
My Love…My Love…

Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive Me…Receive My Love
Receive Me…Receive My Love...Receive Me...Receive My Love….Right Now

Note: This site does not own or maintain audio and video content hosted in external sites. The links to external media have been provided purely as a reference.

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