Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 29 (1996)
Topic - Excerpt from Divine Discourse
Vedanta is Very Easy to Practise (Alternative Translation)

Don't think I am speaking out of ego. I am only revealing the truth about Myself. You have not understood even a fraction of My Reality. None can describe My nature as this or that. I am a man among men, a woman among women, a child among children, and when I am alone, I am Brahman. This is My Reality (loud applause). I conduct Myself according to the group of people around Me. When I am among elders, I have to behave like an elder. When among children, I have to act like a child. If an old man plays with toys, children will laugh at him. If a child uses a walking stick like an old man, elders will be amused. It is natural for an old man use a walking stick and for a child to play with toys. Similarly, when I am with children, I make them happy by giving them this and that. But when someone comes to Me with a desire for spiritual knowledge, I teach the same to him. When a householder comes to Me, I teach him the dharma of a householder. Similarly, I teach everyone what they require. Why do I do all this? It is only to make you realise the ultimate reality of your oneness with Swami. You have attained this opportunity out of your great good fortune. No other Avatar has provided this type of opportunity to human beings (loud applause). Having attained this golden opportunity, if you conduct yourself in accordance with My teachings, your life will be certainly sanctified and redeemed. You will see the rise of My glory with the passage of time when even the blind people and ignoramuses will say, "Swami is God." God subjects human beings to tests every now and then. Do not become a victim of Maya. Emerge victorious from God's tests. When you immerse yourself in love, you will relish God's tests. Nobody can describe love is like this or that. More than the Vedas, it is very essential to understand the teachings of Vedanta. The path of love is much easier than the practice of soft repetition of the Name (japa), meditation, yoga, etc.