We heard the address of thanks the sixth form boys gave to the teachers of the school and the advice they gave to the students of the lower forms. Their words were very sweet, full of gratitude to the teachers and full of encouragement to the students who continue to be under the care of those teachers. They also expressed their grief that they had to leave a fine school and a fine set of instructors and a fine company of fellow students. But, though the words were fine, I doubt whether the feelings were also such, for after all they knew they have to leave the school for higher studies. All these years, they knew that this day will come. Of course it is good to see the boys express gratefulness for the benefits they derived. They promised also to serve their country to the best of their ability. For they are the guardians of this land in the days to come. I am specially happy in the company of students, for they are like the buds in the garden; they are the young heroes who have to ta...
BUILDERS of Future India, Patrons and Well-wishers of Educational Institutions! In this holy land of ours education is straying today into wrong directions, and encouraging wrong notions and patterns of behaviour. You are all aware of this trend, and its consequences. The sooner we set things right, the beter for all concerned. For, whether the students master the curricula or not, whether they understand, appreciate and assimilate the culture of India or not, the years roll by inexorably; time rushes past with no possibility of return; the span of life allotted to each is undergoing subtraction, every minute. Therefore, delay in this matter of reform is unpardonable. The years spent by these persons as students in schools and colleges are the most crucial years of their lives. The heart of youth is pure, clean, full of enthusiasm and optimism. They are eager to achieve happiness to enter upon an adventure and earnest to serve others. It does not involve much effort to direct them alon...
Inauguration of Shri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College for Women
22 July 1968
THIS is a day full of significance, not only for Ananthapur or this District or this State, but, for all other States also. On the occasion of the School Day of the High School for Girls in this town, as early as 1964, I had announced that what this town needed most was a College exclusively for Women. That sankalpa (resolve) has today realised itself. Very soon, this will become a fullfledged completely equipped educational institution, with a status peculiar to itself. The prompting behind this college is not the search for reputation, or the desire to propagate a cult, or the hope of monetary profit. I know that fame is a fickle figment, that reputation is something that rots, that profit is defiled when it is measured in terms of cash.
have allowed this college to rise, because it will instill in the minds of the students the ancient ideals of Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema, ideals that are delineated in the Vedas, described in Shasthras, illustrated in the epics, practise...
STUDENTS! Embodiments of Love! Teachers and Patrons of Education! Education lends beauty to man. Education is man's most precious wealth. It confers happiness and renown on man. It is the teacher of teachers. When a man travels abroad, education stands by him like a kinsman. Education is adored by rulers, not wealth. One without education is an animal.
Degrees alone do not signify education. Education that is confined to the physical sciences is a travesty of true education. Together with knowledge of the natural sciences, one has to acquire humility, discipline and a good character. Everyone should recognize this sacred character of education.
The student of today is concerned with acquiring wealth, strength and position, but not good qualities. Education is meant to enable one to acquire what are good qualities. Every student should take note of this. Education is not intended merely to stuff the brain with information. It has to transform the heart and make it pure. This sacred tru...