Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 17 (1984)
Spread the message of Love

THE individual, the society and the nation constituted an inextricably linked organism. The peace and welfare of the nation depend on the peace and progress of society, which in their turn are dependent on the peace and good conduct of individuals. Unless individuals develop mutual regard and tolerance and cultivate equal-mindedness towards each other, there can be no peace and harmony in the community. Material progress alone cannot bring about peace and harmony and happiness among people. America is an example of a country with a high degree of material progress, in which the people have little love for each other and have neither happiness nor peace of mind.
The astonishing, progress of science and technology has not brought with it corresponding powers of discrimination and wisdom. Man must realise that the sense organs, through which he explores the external and discovers the powers latent in Nature and the physical universe, function because of the Divinity which is immanent in them. Without the power of the Divine, the eyes cannot see or the ears hear or the mind think.
Unselfish love is the only way to attain God
Our ancients were not ignorant of science. But in pursuing scientific enquiries, they did not rest content with knowing all about creation. They were keen to understand the Creator who was responsible for the creation. They sought to know the nature of the unchanging reality, that was behind the continually changing phenomenal Universe. This spiritual quest leads to the realisation of the Divinity that is present in all living things and permeates all things in the Universe.
Members of the.Sai Organisation must carry on their work in the firm faith that all are the children of one God. They must carry on their service activities in a spirit of unselfish dedication to the Divine. The practice of pure unselfish love is the only way to attain God. They should purify their hearts and minds, regarding their body as the temple of the Divine. Today we see disorder, violence and hatred in various parts of the country. Conditions appear to be deteriorating from day to day. In this situation, the duty of' the Sai devotees is clear. They must cultivate Premathathwa (the principle of love) and make it the basis of all their actions. They must wean the villagers away from bad habits and advise them not to fall victims to the divisive forces that are rampant amongst them, There is no place for party politics in the field of rural betterment.
Sai workers should identify themselves with the interests of the villagers and serve them with love and sympathy. This is the sadhana (spiritual effort) in which they should engage themselves.
People boast that they have been coming to Puttaparthi since.20, 15 or 10 years, as if we have some grades of senior or junior according to the year, during which they have contacted Puttaparthi; but really speaking, one has to value only the beneficial changes brought about by that contact in the character and conduct of the individual.
How much have you imbibed, of the lessons learnt from here? How much have you succeeded in stopping the leaks which, as outerfaced senses, were draining your discrimination and drying up the fountain of inner joy?
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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