Manu gave to the world yet another profound declaration:
“Sathyam brooyaath, Priyam brooyaath. Na brooyaath sathyam-apriyam”
(Utter the Truth. Say what is pleasing. Never tell what is truthful but unpleasant).
This means that you should not speak an untruth because it may be pleasing to one. Nor should you speak out the truth when it is likely to hurt a person’s feelings. Every man should speak the truth, but it should be truth that is pleasing.
In the Gita it has been stated:
“Anudvegakaram vaakyam Sathyam Priyahitham cha yath”
(In speech, the words should not cause any excitement, they should be true, pleasing and well-meaning).
When you see a blind man, you know that he is blind. This is true.