Aao Aao Sai
Aao Aao Sai
Aao Aao Sai
Hrdaya Mandir Me Aao Sai [ Aao Aao ... ]
Darshan Dey Prabhu Paapa Vinashaka
Sharanagatha Ke Bhava Bhaya Mochaka
Prema Swaroopa Aao
Sathya Swaroopa Aao Sai
Sai, please come into the temple of our hearts and give us Your darshan. Destroy our sins and liberate us from this worldly existence. You are the personification of love and truth.
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Sanskrit / Hindi
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
being, becoming, birth, world
to appear, to see; (var) darshana, darshanam, darsha - to show
of or belonging to
temple; (var) mandira
lord, master; (var) prabho
love; (var) prem; also the name of the third sai avatar, prema sai
sa + aai = divine mother
truth, short form of sathyanarayana – the childhood name of sri sathya sai baba; (var) sathyam
surrender; (var) sharana, sharanagata, sharanagatha, sharanagatham, sharanam
figure, embodiment; (var) swarupa, swaroopam, swaroopanin (tamil); roopini, swaroopini, svarupini (feminine)
one who liberates; (var) vimochani (f), mochani (f), vimochanam
one who destroys or removes; (var) vinashaka, vinashana, vinashini (f), vinasham;
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