Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Radhey
Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Radhey
Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam Radhey Shyam
Radha Ramana Sri Ranga Mukunda Radha Ramana Sri Ranga
Jaya Yadu Nandana Parama Niranjana
Radha Ramana Sri Ranga Mukunda
Radha Ramana Sri Ranga Mukunda Radha Ramana Sri Ranga
Radha Ramana Hari Govinda Jai Jai Gopala Jai Jai Govinda Jai Jai (3)
Chant the name of dark-hued Lord Krishna, the Lord of Radha. Victory to the Supreme Lord and Leader of the Yadu Dynasty, Lord Govinda. Victory to the Son of Yadava sect, pure and sublime. Glory to the Lord Govinda, Mukunda - the one who grants liberation.
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