Chandra Vadana Kamala Nayana
Chandra Vadana Kamala Nayana
Chandra Vadana Kamala Nayana
Narayana Hari Narayana
Anantha Shayana Deena Sharanya [ Narayana Sai ... ]
Glory to Lord Narayana who has a face pleasing like the moon and whose eyes are like lotus. He is reclining eternally on the Celestial Serpent Sesha and is the refuge to the weak and meek.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Miyan ki Malhar
This Raga is said to have been created by the legendary Miyan Tansen.
S M1 R2 P; M1 P N1 D2 N2 S
S N1 D2 N1 P M1 P G1 M1 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C F D G F G B♭ A B C
C B♭ A B♭ G F G E♭ F D C
S R2 G1 M1 P D1 N1 S
S D1 N1 P M1 P G1 M1 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E♭ F G G# B♭ C
C G# B♭ G F G E♭ F D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Medium Fast
Reference Gents Pitch
2 Pancham / D
Reference Ladies Pitch
6 Pancham / A
Notes Range
Lowest Note: M1 / F
Highest Note: M1 / F (higher octave)
Highest Note: M1 / F (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
infinite, endless; (var) ananth, anantham, ananthaya
moon; (var) chandra
downtrodden; (var) deena, deenan
name of lord vishnu; (var) hare, harey
lord vishnu; (var) narayan, narayanam, narayanaya
eye; (var) nayana, nayanon, nayanom, nayanabhi
sa + aai = divine mother
to whom one surrenders
face; (var) vadanam, vadani (f)
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