Danava Bhanjana Rama Sai Shyamala
Danava Bhanjana Rama Sai Shyamala
Danava Bhanjana Rama Sai Shyamala Komala Ram
Hey Rama Rama Jaya Rama Sai Rama Rama Ram [ Danava Bhanjana ... ]
Dasharatha Nandana Rama Sai Daya Sagara Ram
Deenon Ke Prabhu Rama Sai Rama Rama Ram
O charming and sweet Lord Rama, You annihilated the demons (Danavas). Victory to You, Lord Rama, son of Dasharatha. You are an ocean of compassion, the refuge to the destitute. O Rama, You are verily our Lord Sai Rama.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
This Raga also uses D1 as in the phrase: M1 P D1 P G1 R2.
n2 S G2 M1 P N2 S
S N1 D2 P M1 G1 R2 S n2 S G1 R2 S
In the Key of C:
b C E F G B C
C B♭ A G F E♭ D C b C E♭ D C
* lower octave notes are shown in lower case
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
4 Pancham / F
Reference Ladies Pitch
1 Pancham / C
Notes Range
Lowest Note: p / G (lower octave)
Highest Note: N1 / B♭
Highest Note: N1 / B♭
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Song Tags
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
one who destroys; (var) bhanjani (f)
king of ayodhya and the father of lord rama
of the downtrodden
a heartfelt callout, usually followed by a name or description like 'hey rama', or 'hey merciful lord'
victory; (var) jayam, jayatu
of or belonging to
soft, beautiful, pleasant
son, also the name of a forest; (var) nandan, nandanam
lord, master; (var) prabho
name of the seventh incarnation of lord vishnu, son of dasharatha and kausalya; (var) ram
ocean; (var) sagara, sagaram, sagari (feminine)
sa + aai = divine mother
dark hued, a reference to lord krishna; evening time; (var) shyam, shyama, shyamala
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