Daya Karo Hey Daya Nidhey
Daya Karo Hey Daya Nidhey
Daya Karo Hey Daya Nidhey Hey Bhagawan
Tan Man Dhan Sab Sharana Tumharey [ Daya Karo ... ]
Adi Anantha Hari Avinashi
Sada Nirantara Ghat Ghat Vasi
Deena Dayala Sada Krupala (2)
Oh Bhagawan, the treasure house of mercy, have mercy on us. This body, mind and money (all the material possessions) are all Yours. Oh infinite and the primal one, You are all pervading; Oh the saviour of destitute, You are ever compassionate.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Shubha Pantuvarali / Miyan ki Todi
In Raag Miyan ki Todi, the note P is generally skipped in the ascending notes and rendered as S R G M D N S.
S R1 G1 M2 P D1 N2 S
S N2 D1 P M2 G1 R1 S
In the Key of C:
C C# E♭ F# G G# B C
C B G# G F# E♭ C# C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
1 Pancham / C
Reference Ladies Pitch
5 Pancham / G
Sheet Music
Song Tags
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
beginning, commencement, first in time
infinite, endless; (var) ananth, anantham, ananthaya
one who is indestructible
god; (var) bhagwan, bhagavaan, bhagavan, bhagawantha, bhagawathey
compassionate one: (var) dayala, dayalam, dayalana, dayalo, dayalu, dayaludey, dayalane (tamil), dayakari (f), dayalakari (f)
downtrodden; (var) deena, deenan
money, wealth; (var) dhana
banks of a river
name of lord vishnu; (var) hare, harey
a heartfelt callout, usually followed by a name or description like 'hey rama', or 'hey merciful lord'
do; make it happen; (var) kar; kiya - did; karomi, karey - let us do
compassionate one; (var) krupala, krupakara, krupakari (f); krupamaya, krupamayi (f) - full of compassion
mind; (var) man, mano
treasure house; (var) nidhe
all the time, always; (var) nirantharam
all, everybody or everything
surrender; (var) sharana, sharanagata, sharanagatha, sharanagatham, sharanam
body; (var) tana
your, thy; (var) tumhare, tumharey, tumhari
one who dwells or resides in; (var) vasini (f)
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