Gopala Darshan Dey Nandalala
Gopala Darshan Dey Nandalala
Gopala Darshan Dey Nandalala
Madhusudhana Neela Bala Govinda
Muralidhara Hari Nanda Mukunda [ Gopala ... ]
Radha Madhava Shyama (Sai) Gopala
Darshan Dey Dey Madana Gopala
O Lord Gopala, the son of Nanda, grant us Your Darshan. You are the blue-hued boy who destroyed the demon Madhu. You are the one who plays divine music with the flute. You are verily Lord Hari (Vishnu) and the one who grants us liberation. You are the dark-hued Gopala who is adored by Radha. Please give us Your Darshan, O extraordinarily handsome Gopala.
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