Merey Nind Tute Sapno Mey
Merey Nind Tute Sapno Mey
Merey Nind Tute Sapno Mey
Adhi Rath Prabhu Aye
Roopa Jyothirmaya Parama Dayala
Anantha Sai Tum Ho Krupala [ Adhi Rath ... ]
In the middle of the night, Lord Sai was kind enough to interrupt my sleep by appearing in a dream in His beautiful, all-merciful and infinite form.
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Song Glossary
half, in the middle of
infinite, endless; (var) ananth, anantham, ananthaya
compassionate one: (var) dayala, dayalam, dayalana, dayalo, dayalu, dayaludey, dayalane (tamil), dayakari (f), dayalakari (f)
you are; (alternative) so be it
compassionate one; (var) krupala, krupakara, krupakari (f); krupamaya, krupamayi (f) - full of compassion
my, mine; (var) mere, merey, meri, mero
sleep; (var) neend
supreme, principal, chief, best, highest; (var) param, paramam
lord, master; (var) prabho
night; (var) raat, raath, rathri
figure, embodiment; (var) roopam, roopini (f)
sa + aai = divine mother
you, thou; (var) tu, tuj; tubhyam, tumhey - to you; tujhey, tujko - for you;
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