Nanda Ke Lal Murali Gopal
Nanda Ke Lal Murali Gopal
Nanda Ke Lal Murali Gopal
Giridhari Govinda Radhey Gopal
Nanda Mukunda Radhey Gopal
Radhey Jai Radhey Jai Radhey Gopal
Radhey Radhey Radhey Gopal
Radhey Radhey Murali Gopal
Radhey Radhey Shyam Gopal
Radhey Radhey Sai Gopal
Oh son of Nanda! Oh Lord Krishna, the player of the flute and the cowherd boy! The One who lifted the Govardhan mountain, the protector of the cows and the Lord of Radha, the cowherd girl. The son of Nanda, who grants liberation and glory to you. You are the blue colored Lord of Radha, the flute playing Lord and the Lord Sai.
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