Parvathi Tanaya Siddhi Vinayaka
Parvathi Tanaya Siddhi Vinayaka
Parvathi Tanaya Siddhi Vinayaka
Mangala Dayaka Deva
Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh
Sindhura Vadana Prathama Vandana
Alaka Niranjana Mooshika Vahana
Pashankusha Dhara Shambho Nandana [ Mangala Dayaka ... ]
Victory to the auspicious conferring Lord Ganesha, the son of Mother Parvathi. He is the elephant-faced one to whom the foremost prayers are offered. He is the attributeless and blemishless one who has the Mouse (represents the darkness of ignorance) as His vehicle. He holds the noose and the hook and is the son of Lord Shiva.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Abheri / Bhimpalas
S G1 M1 P N1 S
S N1 D2 P M1 G1 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C E♭ F G B♭ C
C B♭ A G F E♭ D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
1 Pancham / C
Reference Ladies Pitch
5 Pancham / G
Music notes for First Line
G1 R2 S n1 S G1 M1 P ~ N1 D2 M1 P P
In the Key of C:
E♭ D C B♭ C E♭ F G ~ B♭ A F G G
Notes Range
Lowest Note: n1 / B♭ (lower octave)
Highest Note: M1 / F (higher octave)
Highest Note: M1 / F (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Sheet Music
Song Tags
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
that which is not seen – that god who is without attributes and cannot be seen; (var) alakha
one who gives; (var) dayakam, dayiney, dayaki (f)
god; (var) dev, devo, devam
lord of the ganas, name of the elephant faced god; (var) ganesh
auspicious; (var) mangala
mouse - the vehicle of lord ganesha
son, also the name of a forest; (var) nandan, nandanam
without any black spot. i.e. always pure. nir+anjan=without collirium (kaajal – which is always black); (var) niranjana, niranjani (f)
consort of lord shiva
noose (pasha) and and hook (ankusha) held by lord ganesha
accomplishment, superhuman power
vermillion, a type of colour similar to reddish brown
son; (var) tanayam, tanaye, tanayey
face; (var) vadanam, vadani (f)
vehicle; (var) vahini - one who rides the vehicle (feminine)
worship, obeisance, salutation; (var) vandanam
one without a master - refers to lord ganesha
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