Sangeeta Rasike Sharadey (Amba)
Sangeeta Rasike Sharadey (Amba)
Sangeeta Rasike Sharadey (Amba)
Sadananda Roopini Saraswathi [ Sangeeta Rasike ... ]
Bhaava Raga Laya Gaana Viloley
Bhaktha Kalpalatikey Vidya Pathey
Salutations to You, Oh Mother Saraswathi, You are passionate about music, You are eternally in bliss, You are the indomitable support for all Your devotees and You bestow knowledge to all.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
S R2 M2 P D2 S
S N1 D2 P M2 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D F# G A C
C B♭ A G F# D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
1 Pancham / C
Reference Ladies Pitch
5 Pancham / G
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
mother parvathi; (var) ambe, ambey, ambika
feeling, emotion; (var) bhaava
devotee; (var) bhakthudu (telugu), bhakthargal (tamil)
song, music; (var) gaana
a creeper granting all desires, similar to kalpavriksha, the wish-fulfilling tree; (var) kalpa lathika, kalpa latheeka
to merge, beat of music
master, lord, husband; (var) pathi, pathayey
have a taste or liking for; delighted in; (var) rasike, rasiya
song; (var) sangeet, sangeeth, sangeetha
goddess of learning and consort of brahma
goddess saraswathi - one who is prayed to on the ninth day of sharad (winter); (var) sharadey
figure, embodiment; (var) swarupa, swaroopam, swaroopanin (tamil); roopini, swaroopini, svarupini (feminine)
one who is in atmic bliss; (var) vilolana, viloley
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