Alakh Niranjana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana
Alakh Niranjana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana
Alakh Niranjana Bhava Bhaya Bhanjana Nithya Niranjana Bhola
Bholarey Bhola Bholarey Bhola Jai Shiva Shankara Bhola [ Alakh Niranjana ... ]
Bholey Baba Bhola Bandari
Parthi Baba Bhola Bandari
Bhola Bandari Bhola Bandari Bhola Bandari Bhola [ Bholarey Bhola ... ]
Sing the glory of Lord Shiva, the imperceptible and flawless one who destroys our attachment to worldly things, breaking the root cause of sorrows. Victory to the one who is easily pleased, Lord Shiva, the auspicious one who is eternally peaceful. Chant the name of the Lord of Parthi, Lord Sai Baba, the most profound and yet the simplest of Beings and who is verily Lord Shiva.
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