Jagad Dhrata Vishwa Vidhata
Jagad Dhrata Vishwa Vidhata
Jagad Dhrata Vishwa Vidhata
Hey Sukha Shanthi Niketana Hey
Prem Ke Sindho Din Ke Bandho
Dukha Daridra Vinashana Hey (2) [ Jagad Dhrata Vishwa ... ]
Nithya Akhanda Anantha Anadi
Poorana Brahma Sanathana Hey
Prana Sakha (3)
Prana Sakha Tribhuvana Paripalaka
Jeevan Ke Avalambana Hey (2)
O Lord, You are the support of all living beings and of the entire Universe. You are the abode of peace and comfort. You are an ocean of love and the care-taker of the unfortunate ones. You destroy poverty and sadness. You are eternal and the embodiment of Creation itself.
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Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
uninterrupted, that which is indivisible; (var) akhandamey (tamil)
one without a beginning, who is always eternal and permanent
infinite, endless; (var) ananth, anantham, ananthaya
support, hold, basis
relative; (var) bandhu, bandho; bandham - relationship
one of the trinity who is the creator, it also refers to the supreme lord - brahman; (var) brahmam
support, foundation
sorrow; (var) dukha
a heartfelt callout, usually followed by a name or description like 'hey rama', or 'hey merciful lord'
world; (var) jagath, jagatha, jag, jaga
life; (var) jeevana
of or belonging to
a house, an abode
daily, always
to protect; (var) paripalaka, paripalaya, paripalana, paripalita
vital force, life; (var) prana, praana
love; (var) prem; also the name of the third sai avatar, prema sai
complete, full; pooran karo - to fulfill; (var) pooran, poorana, poorani, poorneshri (f)
friend; (var) sakhi (feminine)
perpetual, constant, eternal, permanent; (var) sanathani (f), sanatana, sanathanaya
ocean; (var) sindho
happiness; (var) sukh
three worlds - tri (three) and bhuvana (world)
one who bestows or sustains; (var) vidhayaka
one who destroys or removes; (var) vinashaka, vinashana, vinashini (f), vinasham;
world; (var) vishwam
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