Man Mey Smarana Karo Sai
Man Mey Smarana Karo Sai
Man Mey Smarana Karo Sai Ram
Man Mey Japate Raho Sai Ram [ Man Mey ... ]
Ram Naam Mey Lele Raho Sab
Deena Dukhiyon Ke Ram Baba [ Man Mey ... ]
Constantly chant and remind yourself of the name of Lord Sai. Meditate on Lord Sai who is the Lord of the meek and fallen and who is Love itself.
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Sanskrit / Hindi
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
lord sai baba - the divine father
downtrodden; (var) deena, deenan
one who is in sorrow; (var) dukhiyan, duhiyara, dukhiyon (plural)
to chant continuously; (var) japiye, japorey
do; make it happen; (var) kar; kiya - did; karomi, karey - let us do
of or belonging to
take, accept; (var) lo, leylo
mind; (var) man, mano
name; (var) naama, naamam
stay, remain; (var) rahjao, rehna; rahey, rahte - have been staying, rahenge - we will stay
name of the seventh incarnation of lord vishnu, son of dasharatha and kausalya; (var) ram
all, everybody or everything
sa + aai = divine mother
constant remembrance; (var) smaranam, smarami - remember
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