Rama Bolo Rahim Bolo
Rama Bolo Rahim Bolo
Rama Bolo Rahim Bolo
Krishna Bolo Karim Bolo [ Rama Bolo ... ]
Gautam Yeshu Nanak Bolo
Buddha Zohrashtra Mahavir Bolo
Sathya Dharma Aur Shanthi Prem Se
Sab Dharmon Ki Jai Jai Bolo
Chant the names of Ram, Gautam (Buddha), Jesus, Nanak, Zoroaster, Mahavir, all of whom represent Truth, Right Action, Peace, and Love, the tenets of all religions.
Translate Meaning:
Sarva Dharma
Sanskrit / Hindi
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
chant, tell; (var) bol, boley - tells, boloon - i say
founder of buddhism and one of the major ten incarnations of god; also an enlightened person
righteousness, also refers to way of life or religion
refers to gautama buddha - considered to be one of the ten incarnations; (var) gautam
one of the 99 names of allah meaning ‘generous’
name of the eighth incarnation of lord vishnu, son of devaki and vasudeva
lord mahavira – the founder of jainism, also, a very courageous person; (var) mahavir
saint of sikh religion, guru nanak
love; (var) prem; also the name of the third sai avatar, prema sai
merciful lord
name of the seventh incarnation of lord vishnu, son of dasharatha and kausalya; (var) ram
all, everybody or everything
truth, short form of sathyanarayana – the childhood name of sri sathya sai baba; (var) sathyam
from, with
jesus christ; (var) yeshu
founder of the zoroastrianism faith, zoroaster (zarathustra in persian)
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