Sai Shankara Bholey Shankara
Sai Shankara Bholey Shankara
Sai Shankara Bholey Shankara
Sathya Narayana Narayanam
Damaru Boley Dama Dama Dam
Dhimi Dhimi Dhimi Dhimi Boley Mrudangam
Veena Boley Narayanam [ Sathya Narayana ... ]
Lord Sai Shankara, Sathya Narayana, You are none other than Lord Shiva whose Damaru (miniature hand-held drum) emanates the "Dama Dama" sound, the Mrudangam (a percussion instrument) makes the "Dhimi Dhimi" sound and the Veena chants the name of Narayana.
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