Sundar Sundar Sai Sundar
Sundar Sundar Sai Sundar
Sundar Sundar Sai Sundar
Kamala Nayana Sai Ram (2) [ Sundar Sundar … ]
Parthipuri Mey Janam Liya
Bhakthon Ka Uddhaar Kiya
Patitha Pavana Pavana Naam [ Kamala Nayana ... ]
Jai Jai Ram Ram Ram Sai Ram Ram Ram
Salutations to the most beautiful Lord Sai Ram, the one with lotus-petal eyes who incarnated in Puttaparthi to liberate the devotees. Chant the Holy name of Lord Sai, the sole refuge of the downtrodden.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Kalyani / Yaman
In Raga Yaman, the ascending notes are rendered as N R G M D N S skipping S and P.
S R2 G2 M2 P D2 N2 S
S N2 D2 P M2 G2 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E F# G A B C
C B A G F# E D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
1.5 Pancham / C#
Reference Ladies Pitch
5.5 Pancham / G#
Notes Range
Lowest Note: n2 / B (lower octave)
Highest Note: G2 / E (higher octave)
Highest Note: G2 / E (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
devotees; (var) bhakto, bhaktho
birth; (var) janama, janana
belonging to
do; make it happen; (var) kar; kiya - did; karomi, karey - let us do
took, also means for (eg. for us, for you); (var) liya
name; (var) naama, naamam
eye; (var) nayana, nayanon, nayanom, nayanabhi
downtrodden, helpless
sacred, also means one who protects or provides refuge; (var) pavanam, paavana; pavani (f)
birthplace of bhagawan sri sathya sai baba; (var) parti, parthi, parthipuri
name of the seventh incarnation of lord vishnu, son of dasharatha and kausalya; (var) ram
sa + aai = divine mother
beautiful; (var) sundarakara, sundaraya, sundari (f), soundari (f), sundaram - beauty
liberate; (var) uddhar
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