Guru Hara Guru Hari Guru
Guru Hara Guru Hari Guru
Guru Hara Guru Hari Guru Brahma
Guravey Sakshath Parabrahma
Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Jagat Guru
Jagadidam Akhilam Tava Roopam
Jaya (4) Hara (4) Shiva (4) Jagat Guru
Jagat Guru Hey (Sathya) Sai Guru
Glory to the Divine Preceptor Sathya Sai who removes ignorance and is Lord Shiva (Hara), Lord Vishnu (Hari) and Lord Brahma. He is verily the Parabrahma, the Supreme Lord who is formless. Victory to the Guru of whole world whose beauty is supreme and who is auspicious.
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