Shankara Roopa Sajjana Vanditha
Shankara Roopa Sajjana Vanditha
Shankara Roopa Sajjana Vanditha Sai Rama Namosthuthey
Raghupathi Roopa Ramya Charitha Sai Rama Namosthuthey
Keshava Roopa Klesha Vinashaka Sai Rama Namosthuthey
Adbhuta Charitha Anjaneya Anatha Rakshaka Namosthuthey
Sarvaadhara Sadhu Janavana Sai Rama Namosthuthey
Nirvikara Nirupama Charitha Sai Rama Namosthuthey
Jaya Sai Rama Namosthuthey
We sing in praise of Lord Sai Rama who is the embodiment of Lord Shankara and who is worshipped by all noble beings. He is the embodiment of Lord Rama who has unblemished character. He is the embodiment of Lord Keshava(Krishna) who destroys all the obstacles and the one who is the Lord of Hanuman who is the protector of all beings. We offer our salutations to You Oh Lord Sai Rama, the protector of the Universe and the one adored by the saints and the one who is worshipped as the Formless one.
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