Sri Sai Rama Sundara Naama
Sri Sai Rama Sundara Naama
Sri Sai Rama Sundara Naama
Pavana Charana Prashanthi Rama
Jagadashraya Bhava Bandha Vimochana
Ahalyodharaka Rama Harey
Rama Harey Rama Harey
Parthi Pureesha Mangala Dhama
Pavana Charana Prashanthi Rama
O Lord Sai Rama of Prashanthi, from whom the entire world seeks solace and liberation, You are none other than the Lord Rama who liberated Ahalya. O Lord of Parthi, we offer our salutations at Your sacred feet.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Yaman Kalyan
While ascending, the notes S and P are usually skipped and rendered as N R G M D N S.
S R2 G2 M2 P D2 N2 S
S N2 D2 P M2 G2 M1 G2 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E F# G A B C
C B A G F# E F E D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Reference Gents Pitch
1.5 Pancham / C#
Reference Ladies Pitch
5.5 Pancham / G#
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
one who liberated ahalya of her curse i.e. lord rama; (var) ahalyodhara
attachment; (var) bandhan, bandhana
being, becoming, birth, world
feet; (var) charana, charanam, charanon
house, residence, light, lustre, splendor; (var) dham, dhamam, dhaam, dhaama
name of lord vishnu; (var) hare, harey
on whom the world is dependent
auspicious; (var) mangala
name; (var) naama, naamam
sacred, also means one who protects or provides refuge; (var) pavanam, paavana; pavani (f)
supreme peace; (var) prashantha; also refers to prashanthi nilayam at puttaparthi
lord of a place or city; (var) puradheeshwara, pureeshaya, pureeshwara, pureeshwari (f), puradheeshwari (f)
birthplace of bhagawan sri sathya sai baba; (var) parti, parthi, parthipuri
name of the seventh incarnation of lord vishnu, son of dasharatha and kausalya; (var) ram
sa + aai = divine mother
honorific title of respect; another name of goddess lakshmi; wealth, majesty, splendour, intellect, fortune; (var) thiru (tamil)
beautiful; (var) sundarakara, sundaraya, sundari (f), soundari (f), sundaram - beauty
one who liberates; (var) vimochani (f), mochani (f), vimochanam
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