Vighneshwaram Bhaja Vighneshwaram Sadguru Natham
Vighneshwaram Bhaja Vighneshwaram Sadguru Natham
Vighneshwaram Bhaja Vighneshwaram Sadguru Natham Gowri Sutham
Jaya Shiva Nandana Vighneshwaram Pranavanandam Devi Sutham
Siddhi Vinayaka Vighneshwaram Vidya Dayaka Gowri Sutham
Vighneshwaram Bhaja Vighneshwaram
Sharanam Sharanam Devi Sutham
Sing the praises of the master of obstacles, Lord Vighneshwara (Lord Ganesha), son of Shiva and Gowri, the embodiment of "Om" (the primordial sound), one who bestows knowledge and spiritual boons. Let us surrender to the son of Devi.
Translate Meaning:
Sanskrit / Hindi
Karaharapriya / Kafi
S R2 G1 M1 P D2 N1 S
S N1 D2 P M1 G1 R2 S
In the Key of C:
C D E♭ F G A B♭ C
C B♭ A G F E♭ D C
8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi
Medium Slow
Reference Gents Pitch
1.5 Pancham / C#
Reference Ladies Pitch
5.5 Pancham / G#
Notes Range
Lowest Note: p / G (lower octave)
Highest Note: G1 / E♭ (higher octave)
Highest Note: G1 / E♭ (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Sheet Music
Song Tags
Glossary Terms
Song Glossary
worship, chant the name or sing the praises of the lord; (var) bhajoon - I worship; bhajey - let us worship
one who gives; (var) dayakam, dayiney, dayaki (f)
another name of goddess parvathi
victory; (var) jayam, jayatu
son, also the name of a forest; (var) nandan, nandanam
lord or master; (var) nath, nathaya, natham, nada (tamil), nadanukku (tamil) - to the lord, nathudey (telugu)
the primordial sound ‘om’
true teacher/mentor/preceptor
surrender; (var) sharana, sharanagata, sharanagatha, sharanagatham, sharanam
lord shiva - one of the trinity who is the destroyer - the name shiva means auspiciousness; (var) shiv, shivaya, shivaraj, shivaraja, shivarajam, shivom, shivani (f) - of shiva
accomplishment, superhuman power
son; (var) sutham, suthaya - one who is the son of, suthaney (tamil)
lord of (victorious over) obstacles; (var) vighnesham, vighneshwara, vighneshwaram, vighneshwaraya
one without a master - refers to lord ganesha
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